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Complete guide 36
  • The strange case of cholesterol

    Cholesterol is essential for our bodies, but if there is too much in the blood and the liver cannot break it down, it causes atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases which, in its most extreme forms, can provoke heart attacks ...

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  • Pregnant selfies: pregnancy in one click

    Pregnant selfies, or prelfies, are spreading like wildfire on social networks. The rules for a perfect picture? Just lift your top and make sure your tummy gets plenty of exposure. And next up after the prelfie, we have the ...

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  • Bruising, a shock wave to the body

    Bruises can be the result of that classic bang to the knee, foot or muscle, and are one of the most common orthopedic injuries of day-to-day life. Also known as contusions, they can often be associated with hematomas, which is ...

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  • Belonephobia: who has a fear of needles?

    About 10% of the population has a fear of needles and pins. Psychotherapy deals with other phobias, like one of spiders, with a course of treatment that involves gradual exposure to needles. What does that mean? That you fight the ...

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  • Breastfeeding with a fever: yes or no?

    Is it OK to breastfeed with a fever? Scientists say it's not a case of "can", but "must". During an infection, the milk is even more rich in antibodies and white corpuscles, both of which are essential in developing the baby's ...

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  • Headaches caused by smartphones

    According to a recent American study, people spend too much time with their heads bent over their smartphones and tablets. Bad posture can create tension in the neck and also cause a chronic form of headache.

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  • Fertility changes over time

    Time passes, habits and lifestyles change, but biological ageing never stops. In women, fertility declines and eventually ends after the age of 45. Things aren't much better for men.

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  • Burns: no one likes heat

    Burns are caused not only by heat, but also by corrosive chemicals such as caustic soda and hydrochloric acid. Their severity depends on the size of the injury, which part of the body is affected, and how it is caused.

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  • Heat and cold, the therapy preferred by pain

    Thermal energy has been used since ancient times as therapy for alleviating pain. The effect on the body of applying cold to injuries and heat to muscle spasms is not unlike that of a local anesthetic, helping to alleviate aches ...

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