Some tips for you

43 articles found
  • Checking blood glucose levels for everyone, not just for people ...

    So you think you might have diabetes? Or do you just want to find out your blood sugar levels? Here are a few rules to follow before your screening, like fasting overnight and not smoking.

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  • All the tricks you need to use a nebulizer for your child

    If you have a child and you've already had to deal with nebulizing, you'll know what we're talking about. Little ones don't like having to breathe with a face mask on or through a mouthpiece. But technology, imagination and ...

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  • Treatment for diabetes: insulin, lifestyle and calories

    As you will know, there are different types of diabetes, and some are more serious than others. One piece of advice: you should always consult with your diabetes specialist to explore the best treatment for you. For now, here's a ...

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Helping you choose

30 articles found
  • Automatic blood pressure monitors and irregular heart rate: the ...

    Arrhythmia is a cardiac anomaly that causes irregular sequences of heartbeats; too slow, too fast, or non-linear. In this case, not all blood pressure monitors will help you, and you should use purpose-built products such as the ...

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  • Sprays, nasal washing and nebulizers to help you take a nice big breath

    We all know that we need to take good care of our airways, but what's the best thing to use? Let's find out together what choices there are, based on the condition: from nasal rinsing to guard against colds, nasal washing for ...

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  • Syringes and disinfectant wipes for performing injections with ...

    What's the right equipment needed for doing an injection safely and with complete peace of mind? That's easy: a syringe and a disinfectant wipe. Here's a guide to find out what's available these days: from disposable syringes to ...

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Let's find out more

36 articles found
  • The future of diabetes: an artificial pancreas and oral insulin

    The latest advancements in diabetes treatment, from an artificial pancreas to insulin pills, could change the quality of life of people who have it in just a few years. These are new devices and drugs that are the result of ...

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  • Stories and interesting facts about 10 famous people with diabetes

    Actors, writers, musicians and Nobel Prize winners: diabetes even happens to celebrities. Here's a list of VIPs and great performers who live with diabetes. It’s not a question of people with diabetes following their example just ...

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  • The causes of fever: a defensive weapon against viruses and bacteria

    Fever is not just a symptom of infection: it's the body's defensive reaction against attack by viruses and bacteria. So what are its causes?

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  • Mobile Rapid

    The first "all in one" arm monitor from Pic which can be synchronized with your smartphone. This innovation lets you monitor your blood pressure and ...

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  • Insupen 34G

    Insupen 34G is the shortest and finest Pic pen needle, a premium product developed thanks to Indolor Experience™ research.

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  • Pic BodyStation

    Pic BodyStation is the first 6-in-1 multifunctional digital set of scales from Pic that can be synchronized with your smartphone, or used as a normal ...

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