All the tricks you need to use a nebulizer for your child

If you have a child and you've already had to deal with nebulizing, then you'll know what we're talking about. Little ones don't like having to breathe with a face mask on or, even worse, through a mouthpiece. But technology, imagination and resourcefulness have overcome any obstacles that once seemed insurmountable. Here you can learn a few tricks to make nebulizing almost a game for your child!

Be careful not to waste medication when using a face mask

If your child needs nebulization therapy, it's likely that you've got a nebulizer with a face mask. It's easy enough to put it on, but you have to make sure that the edges stay in close contact with your child's face. If not, the medication or saline solution will simply disperse into the surrounding area, and your efforts to get him to use the nebulizer will be largely unsuccessful.

When nebulizing becomes a game

That's thanks to the latest generation of nebulizers aimed at children. The parts don't change: you still have the ampoules, tube and face mask, but once you've finished putting it together, it will look like a toy, or one of your child's favourite cartoon characters. By looking like a game, it will be much easier to move the nebulizer over to your little one... it's child's play!

Nebulizing with a mirror

One of the many tricks to administering nebulization therapy to your child is sitting down with him in front of a mirror. That will make it easier for you to control the position of the face mask, and he'll be less anxious because he'll be able to see what's going on.

Nebulizing with music

If you want to distract your child during the nebulizing session, why not try to entertain him with a song? Choose a peaceful and happy theme, and there's only one rule: sing loud enough to drown out the noise of the nebulizer!

Nebulizing and books for your child.

Is your child a bit more grown-up? You can try piquing his curiosity with a book to read while he's having the treatment. And keep in mind that if he wants to try giving some to his stuffed animal or dolly, don't say no: imitation usually works.

Avoid giving your child nebulization therapy "on the sly"

Did you think you could use a nebulizer for your child without him knowing? Stop for a second and think about it: while he's sleeping, his mouth is closed, his breathing is shallow and the medication won't reach his lungs. On top of that, you might even have to take his dummy out.

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