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Complete guide 36
  • The new-look Multi-Service Pharmacy

    Pharmacies have completely changed since 2011 - these days they're not just shops, but they're also the go-to place for our health queries where you can do blood tests, book a specialist appointment or even check blood pressure ...

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  • Donor conception: parents thanks to a "gift"''

    For ten years, from 2004 to 2014, donor conception, a type of assisted fertilization using gametes from a third-party donor, was banned in Italy under law no. 40. Today it is allowed, provided certain requirements are met.

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  • Cocaine: that white powder is bad for the heart

    Deaths due to heart attack are declining. But not among young people, who are consuming growing amounts of cocaine, the most vasoconstrictive of all drugs. Some scientists say it can permanently change the anatomy of the brain.

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  • Needlestick injuries: more than 3 million exposures

    Based on calculations by the World Health Organization, around 3 million health workers out of 35 million, almost 10%, are exposed each year to the risk of contracting infections from infected blood caused by needlestick injuries. ...

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  • Hypertension during pregnancy: a high-risk issue

    Hypertension is a phenomenon that affects between 6% and 8% of pregnant women, and is the leading cause of maternal and fetal mortality. Often, the main complication is the need to induce the baby very early to prevent later problems.

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  • Intramuscular injections: principles and drugs

    It's one of the most common injections for administering vaccines and some antibiotics. The intramuscular injection is quick in the way it releases the drug into the human body, and it's less painful than others. It's also a good ...

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  • A wide range of medication for nebulizing

    Nebulization therapy is a technology that has changed medication for respiratory conditions: compared to taking it orally, it provides complete absorption of the drugs, almost 100%, and it's less invasive than an injection. ...

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  • The journey of glucose through the blood

    Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by an abnormal increase in sugar levels in the blood. Glucose is the part of the sugar in food that cells turn into new energy. But what happens to glucose in the blood when ...

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  • Disinfectants, weapons against infection

    What do disinfectants used for preventing wound infections contain? There are 2 main solutions on offer by chemical science: sodium hypochlorite, the first modern disinfectant used during the First World War, and hydrogen peroxide.

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